Results for 'Cross-Categorial Restrictions On Measure'

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  1. Jacques Jayez and Lucia M. tovena/free choiceness and non-individuation 1–71 Michael McCord and Arendse bernth/a metalogical theory of natural language semantics 73–116 Nathan salmon/are general terms rigid? 117–134. [REVIEW]Stefan Kaufmann, Conditional Predications, Yoad Winter & Cross-Categorial Restrictions On Measure - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28:791-792.
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  2. Cross-categorial restrictions on measure phrase modification.Yoad Winter - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (2):233 - 267.
  3. The generality constraint and categorial restrictions.Elisabeth Camp - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (215):209–231.
    We should not admit categorial restrictions on the significance of syntactically well formed strings. Syntactically well formed but semantically absurd strings, such as ‘Life’s but a walking shadow’ and ‘Caesar is a prime number’, can express thoughts; and competent thinkers both are able to grasp these and ought to be able to. Gareth Evans’ generality constraint, though Evans himself restricted it, should be viewed as a fully general constraint on concept possession and propositional thought. For (a) even well (...)
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    Restricted by Measures Against the Coronavirus? Difficulties at the Transition from School to Work in Times of a Pandemic.Julian Valentin Möhring, Dennis Schäfer, Burkhard Brosig & Martin Huth - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (1):83-99.
    The paper begins with the prerequisite assumption that social deprivation is a fragile and porous category. Thus, our hypothesis is, that how people are affected by the restrictions against the spreading of the coronavirus is often discussed in far too general and simplistic terms. It is often taken as a given, that the virus and the restriction measures not only have caused severe difficulties for us all (due to social distancing, fear, affected health, etc.), but that the measures have (...)
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    Measuring Interdisciplinary Research Categories and Knowledge Transfer: A Case Study of Connections between Cognitive Science and Education.Alan L. Porter, Stephen F. Carley, Caitlin Cassidy, Jan Youtie, David J. Schoeneck, Seokbeom Kwon & Gregg E. A. Solomon - 2019 - Perspectives on Science 27 (4):582-618.
    This is a “bottom-up” paper in the sense that it draws lessons in defining disciplinary categories under study from a series of empirical studies of interdisciplinarity. In particular, we are in the process of studying the interchange of research-based knowledge between Cognitive Science and Educational Research. This has posed a set of design decisions that we believe warrant consideration as others study cross-disciplinary research processes.
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    What is a Restrictive Theory?Toby Meadows - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (1):67-105.
    In providing a good foundation for mathematics, set theorists often aim to develop the strongest theories possible and avoid those theories that place undue restrictions on the capacity to possess strength. For example, adding a measurable cardinal to $ZFC$ is thought to give a stronger theory than adding $V=L$ and the latter is thought to be more restrictive than the former. The two main proponents of this style of account are Penelope Maddy and John Steel. In this paper, I’ll (...)
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  7.  16
    The Measurement Properties and Acceptability of a New Parent–Infant Bonding Tool (‘Me and My Baby’) for Use in United Kingdom Universal Healthcare Settings: A Psychometric, Cross-Sectional Study.Tracey Bywater, Abigail Dunn, Charlotte Endacott, Karen Smith, Paul A. Tiffin, Matthew Price & Sarah Blower - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionThe National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines acknowledge the importance of the parent–infant relationship for child development but highlight the need for further research to establish reliable tools for assessment, particularly for parents of children under 1 year. This study explores the acceptability and psychometric properties of a co-developed tool, ‘Me and My Baby’.Study designA cross-sectional design was applied. The MaMB was administered universally with mothers during routine 6–8-week Health Visitor contacts. The sample comprised 467 mothers. Dimensionality (...)
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  8. The Pandemic Experience Survey II: A Second Corpus of Subjective Reports of Life Under Social Restrictions During COVID-19 in the UK, Japan, and Mexico.Mark M. James, Havi Carel, Matthew Ratcliffe, Tom Froese, Jamila Rodrigues, Ekaterina Sangati, Morgan Montoya, Federico Sangati & Natalia Koshkina - 2022 - Frontiers in Public Health.
    In August 2021, Froese et al. published survey data collected from 2,543 respondents on their subjective experiences living under imposed social distancing measures during COVID-19 (1). The questionnaire was issued to respondents in the UK, Japan, and Mexico. By combining the authors’ expertise in phenomenological philosophy, phenomenological psychopathology, and enactive cognitive science, the questions were carefully phrased to prompt reports that would be useful to phenomenological investigation and theorizing (2–4). These questions reflected the various author’s research interests (e.g., technology, grief, (...)
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    The impact of COVID-19 perceived threat and restrictive measures on mental health in Italy, Spain, New York, and Hong Kong: An international multisite study.Denise Vagnini, Wai Kai Hou, Clint Hougen, Adrián Cano, Andrea Bonanomi, Federica Facchin, Sara Molgora, Francesco Pagnini & Emanuela Saita - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, Italy, Spain, New York, and Hong Kong stood out for the ir high rates of infections. Given this scenario, a web-based international multisite and cross-sectional study was conducted between April and May 2020 to investigate the psychological impact of the pandemic and the restrictions imposed by the governments in these countries. We expected similar patterns in European countries, and no significant differences in terms of psychological impairment between Hong Kong and (...)
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    Moral distress among maternal-fetal medicine fellows: a national survey study.Jia Jennifer Ding, Thi Vu, Suzanne Stammler, Peter Murray, Elizabeth Epstein & Sarah N. Cross - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-9.
    Background Moral distress, or the inability to carry out what one believes to be ethically appropriate because of constraints or barriers, is understudied in obstetrics and gynecology. We sought to characterize moral distress among Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM) fellows using a standardized survey. Methods We disseminated a national anonymized survey study of MFM fellows electronically regarding moral distress using a validated questionnaire with supplemental questions pertaining to specific challenges within MFM clinical care. Multivariable linear regression modeling was used to examine the (...)
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    Notes on Measure and Category in Recursion Theory.Hisao Tanaka - 1970 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 3 (5):231-241.
  12.  33
    Consensus and contention regarding redundant publications in clinical research: cross-sectional survey of editors and authors.V. Yank - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (2):109-114.
    Objectives: To examine the perspectives of journal editors and authors on overlapping and redundant publications in clinical research.Design: Pretested cross-sectional survey, containing both forced choice and open ended questions, administered by mail to the senior editors and one randomly selected author from all journals in the Abridged Index Medicus that published clinical research.Main measurements: The views of editors and authors about the extent of redundant publications, why they occur, how to prevent and respond to cases, and when the publication (...)
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    A Framework to Integrate Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects (ELSA) in the Development and Deployment of Human Performance Enhancement (HPE) Technologies and Applications in Military Contexts.Human Behaviour Marc Steen Koen Hogenelst Heleen Huijgen A. Tno, The Hague Collaboration, Human Performance The Netherlandsb Tno, The Netherlandsc Tno Soesterberg, Aerospace Warfare Surface, The NetherlAndsmarc Steen Works As A. Senior Research ScientIst At Tno The Hague, Value-Sensitive Design Human-Centred Design, Virtue Ethics HIs Mission is To Promote The Design Applied Ethics Of Technology, Flourish Koen Hogenelst Works As A. Senior Research Scientist at Tno ApplicAtion Of Technologies In Ways That Help To Create A. Just Society In Which People Can Live Well Together, His Research COncentrates on Measuring A. Background In Neuroscience, Cognitive Performance Improving Mental Health, Military Domains HIs Goal is To Align Experimental Research In Both The Civil, Field-Based Research Applied, Practical Use To Pave The Way For Implementation, Consultant At Tno Impact Heleen Huijgen Is A. Legal Scientist & StrAtegic Environment Her MIssion is To Create Legal Safeguards Fo Technologies - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):219-244.
    In order to maximize human performance, defence forces continue to explore, develop, and apply human performance enhancement (HPE) methods, ranging from pharmaceuticals to (bio)technological enhancement. This raises ethical, legal, and societal concerns and requires organizing a careful reflection and deliberation process, with relevant stakeholders. We discuss a range of ethical, legal, and societal aspects (ELSA), which people involved in the development and deployment of HPE can use for such reflection and deliberation. A realistic military scenario with proposed HPE application can (...)
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  14. Semantics, Cross-Category Style.Jeske Toorman & Jussi Haukioja - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Ever since Machery et al. first decided to test whether non-philosophers assign reference in accordance with the causal-historical account, the reference of proper names has been tested by means of setups modelled on Kripke’s Gödel and Jonah cases. Over the years, the use of these setups as a means to test theories of reference has attracted much criticism. However, previous follow-up studies have supposedly accounted for these criticisms, for the most part without changing the original outcome. We conducted experiments suggesting (...)
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  15.  22
    The Three Teachings of East Asia (TTEA) Inventory: Developing and Validating a Measure of the Interrelated Ideologies of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism.Yi-Ying Lin, Dena Phillips Swanson & Ronald David Rogge - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objectives:Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism have influenced societies and shaped cultures as they have spread across the span of history and ultimately across the world. However, to date, the interrelated nature of their impacts has yet to be examined largely due to the lack of a measure that comprehensively assesses their various tenets. Building on a conceptual integration of foundational texts on each ideology as well as on recent measure development work (much of which is unpublished), the current studies (...)
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    The Relationship of Breathing and COVID-19 Anxiety When Using Smart Watches for Guided Respiration Practice: A Cross-Sectional Study.Yu-Feng Wu, Mei-Yen Chen, Jian-Hong Ye, Jon-Chao Hong, Jhen-Ni Ye & Yu-Tai Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    COVID-19 mortality rates are increasing worldwide, which has led to many highly restrictive precautionary measures and a strong sense of anxiety about the outbreak for many people around the world. There is thus an increasing concern about COVID-19 anxiety, resulting in recommending approaches for effective self-care. From a positive psychology perspective, it is also important for people to have positive affect when dealing with this pandemic. According to previous literature, respiration is considered to be an effective way to enhance people’s (...)
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    Parents’ Perceptions of Student Academic Motivation During the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Cross-Country Comparison.Sonia Zaccoletti, Ana Camacho, Nadine Correia, Cecília Aguiar, Lucia Mason, Rui A. Alves & João R. Daniel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The COVID-19 outbreak has ravaged all societal domains, including education. Home confinement, school closures, and distance learning impacted students, teachers, and parents’ lives worldwide. In this study, we aimed to examine the impact of COVID-19-related restrictions on Italian and Portuguese students’ academic motivation as well as investigate the possible buffering role of extracurricular activities. Following a retrospective pretest–posttest design, 567 parents reported on their children’s academic motivation and participation in extracurricular activities. We used a multi-group latent change score model (...)
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    The India Face Set: International and Cultural Boundaries Impact Face Impressions and Perceptions of Category Membership.Anjana Lakshmi, Bernd Wittenbrink, Joshua Correll & Debbie S. Ma - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper serves three specific goals. First, it reports the development of an Indian Asian face set, to serve as a free resource for psychological research. Second, it examines whether the use of pre-tested U.S.-specific norms for stimulus selection or weighting may introduce experimental confounds in studies involving non-U.S. face stimuli and/or non-U.S. participants. Specifically, it examines whether subjective impressions of the face stimuli are culturally dependent, and the extent to which these impressions reflect social stereotypes and ingroup favoritism. Third, (...)
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  19. Rethinking the Ethics of the Covid‐19 Pandemic Lockdowns.Daniel Miller & Alvin Moss - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (4):3-9.
    Public health responses to the Covid‐19 pandemic included various measures to mitigate the spread of the virus. Among these, the most restrictive was a broad category referred to as “lockdowns.” We argue that the reasoning offered in favor of extended lockdowns—those lasting several months or longer—did not adequately account for a host of countervailing considerations, including the impact on mental illness, education, employment, and marginalized communities as well as health, educational, and economic inequities. Furthermore, justifications offered for extended lockdowns set (...)
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  20. Individuation of Cross-Cutting Causal Systems in Cognitive Science and Behavioral Ecology.Beate Krickel & Marie I. Kaiser - 2024 - In Federica Russo & Phyllis Illari, The Routledge handbook of causality and causal methods. New York, NY: Routledge.
    For many causal endeavors, such as measuring, predicting, and explaining, individuating causal systems plays a crucial role. In this chapter, we focus on the individuation of a specific type of causal systems, what we call cross-cutting systems. These are systems that lack natural boundaries and that are not restricted to the spatiotemporal region of the individuals to which they belong. Based on examples taken from cognitive science and behavioral ecology, we explore how scientists individuate such cross-cutting causal systems.
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  21. The absent body in psychiatric diagnosis, treatment, and research.Catherine Stinson - 2019 - Synthese 196 (6).
    Discussions of psychiatric nosology focus on a few popular examples of disorders, and on the validity of diagnostic criteria. Looking at Anorexia Nervosa, an example rarely mentioned in this literature, reveals a new problem: the DSM has a strict taxonomic structure, which assumes that disorders can only be located on one branch. This taxonomic assumption fails to fit the domain of psychopathology, resulting in obfuscation of cross-category connections. Poor outcomes for treatment of Anorexia may be due to it being (...)
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    Current functions of italian ethics committees: A cross-sectional study.Caterina Caminiti, Francesca Diodati, Arianna Gatti, Saverio Santachiara & Sandro Spinsanti - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (4):220-227.
    Background: The rapid pace of progress in medical research, the consequent need for the timely transfer of new knowledge into practice, and the increasing need for ethics support, is making the work of Ethics Committees (ECs) ever more complex and demanding. As a response, ECs in many countries exhibit large variation in number, mandate, organization and member competences. This cross-sectional study aims to give an overview of the different types of activities of Italian ECs and favour discussion at a (...)
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    COVID-19 Confinement and Health Risk Behaviors in Spain.Rubén López-Bueno, Joaquín Calatayud, José Casaña, José A. Casajús, Lee Smith, Mark A. Tully, Lars L. Andersen & Guillermo F. López-Sánchez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The World Health Organization has declared a world pandemic due to COVID-19. In response, most affected countries have enacted measures involving compulsory confinement and restrictions on free movement, which likely influence citizens' lifestyles. This study investigates changes in health risk behaviors with duration of confinement. An online cross-sectional survey served to collect data about the Spanish adult population regarding health behaviors during the first 3 weeks of confinement. A large sample of participants from all Spanish regions completed the (...)
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    The flavours of love: A cross‐cultural lexical analysis.Tim Lomas - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (1):134-152.
    Linguists have often remarked upon the polysemous nature of love, whereby the term encompasses a wide diversity of emotional relationships. Several typologies have been constructed to account for this diversity. However, these tend to be restricted in scope, and fail to fully represent the range of experiences signified by the term ‘love’ in discourse. In the interest of generating an expanded typology of love, encompassing its varied forms, an enquiry was conducted into relevant concepts found across the world's cultures, focusing (...)
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    Professional values and ethical ideology: Perceptions of nursing students.Ebin J. Arries - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):726-740.
    Background: Moral philosophical positions and professional values have been shown to influence nurses’ practice behaviours. Understanding nursing students’ professional values and ethical ideologies, therefore, is important as they may help inform evidence-informed curriculum decisions and education strategies to develop students’ professional reflective competencies. However, there is a dearth in current empirical data on Canadian nursing students’ perceptions of professional values and ethical positions. Objectives: This study’s purpose was to examine undergraduate nursing student’s perceptions of professional values and ethical ideology and (...)
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  26. On contextual domain restriction in categorial grammar.Erich H. Rast - 2013 - Synthese 190 (12):2085-2115.
    Abstract -/- Quantifier domain restriction (QDR) and two versions of nominal restriction (NR) are implemented as restrictions that depend on a previously introduced interpreter and interpretation time in a two-dimensional semantic framework on the basis of simple type theory and categorial grammar. Against Stanley (2002) it is argued that a suitable version of QDR can deal with superlatives like tallest. However, it is shown that NR is needed to account for utterances when the speaker intends to convey different (...)
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  27. The limits of classical mereology: Mixed fusions and the failures of mereological hybridism.Joshua Kelleher - 2020 - Dissertation, The University of Queensland
    In this thesis I argue against unrestricted mereological hybridism, the view that there are absolutely no constraints on wholes having parts from many different logical or ontological categories, an exemplar of which I take to be ‘mixed fusions’. These are composite entities which have parts from at least two different categories – the membered (as in classes) and the non-membered (as in individuals). As a result, mixed fusions can also be understood to represent a variety of cross-category summation such (...)
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    Public attitudes towards genomic data sharing: results from a provincial online survey in Canada.Proton Rahman, Daryl Pullman, Charlene Simmonds, Georgia Darmonkov & Holly Etchegary - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundWhile genomic data sharing can facilitate important health research and discovery benefits, these must be balanced against potential privacy risks and harms to individuals. Understanding public attitudes and perspectives on data sharing is important given these potential risks and to inform genomic research and policy that aligns with public preferences and needs.MethodsA cross sectional online survey measured attitudes towards genomic data sharing among members of the general public in an Eastern Canadian province.ResultsResults showed a moderate comfort level with sharing (...)
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    The Evaluation of Implicit Anthropologies.Jochen Fahrenberg & Marcus Cheetham - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (3):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Evaluation of Implicit AnthropologiesJochen Fahrenberg (bio) and Marcus Cheetham (bio)Keywordsmind-body, philosophical assumptions, human natureThe three commentaries and the reviewer’s notes contain valuable reflections and expand on number of important points. There is general agreement that surprisingly little is known about psychologists’, psychotherapists’, clinicians’, and other professionals’ philosophical assumptions about human nature. It is conceivable that these implicit anthropologies represent a potential source of bias in research and practice (...)
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    Psychological Distress, Anxiety, Family Violence, Suicidality, and Wellbeing in Pakistan During the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Cross-Sectional Study.Farah Yasmin, Hafsa Nazir Jatoi, Muhammad Saif Abbasi, Muhammad Sohaib Asghar, Sarush Ahmed Siddiqui, Hamza Nauman, Abdullah Khan Khattak & Muhammad Tanveer Alam - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:830935.
    Background and ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to draw the attention toward the implications of COVID-19 and the related restrictions imposed worldwide especially in Pakistan. The primary objective was to highlight the levels of psychological distress, anxiety, family violence, suicidality, and well-being due to COVID-19 and the secondary objective was to associate it to social demographic factors.Materials and MethodsIt is designed as a cross-sectional study by employing an online questionnaire in the English language and obtaining responses using (...)
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    Race, Gender, and the Development of Cross-Race Egalitarianism.Sarah E. Gaither, Joshua D. Perlin & Stacey N. Doan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:520445.
    Over the course of development, children acquire adult-like thinking about social categories such as race, which in turn informs their perceptions, attitudes, and behavior. However, children’s developing perceptions of race have been understudied particularly with respect to their potential influence on cross-race egalitarianism. Specifically, the acquisition of racial constancy, defined as the perception that race is a concrete and stable category, has been associated with increased awareness of racial stereotypes and group status differences. Yet, little work has investigated behavioral (...)
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    The divine and artistic ideal: Ideas and insights for cross-cultural aesthetic education.Ming Dong Gu - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (3):pp. 88-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Divine and Artistic Ideal:Ideas and Insights for Cross-Cultural Aesthetic EducationMing Dong Gu (bio)IntroductionPeople in different cultural traditions would praise an excellent work of art as a masterpiece that has attained the status of the divine. This is a practice inherited from the ancient past. In high antiquity, when people did not have sufficient knowledge of artistic creation, they attributed creative inspirations and superb art to gods. In (...)
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  33. On Measurement Scales: Neither Ordinal Nor Interval?Cristian Larroulet Philippi - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):929-939.
    There is a received view on measurement scales. It includes both a classification of scales and a set of prescriptions regarding measurement inferences. This article casts doubt on the adequacy of this received view. To do this, I propose an epistemic characterization of the ordinal/interval distinction, that is, one in terms of researchers’ beliefs. This novel characterization reveals the ordinal/interval distinction as too coarse grained and thus the received view as too restrictive of a framework for measurement research.
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    New Categories Are Not Enough: Rethinking the Measurement of Sex and Gender in Social Surveys.Aliya Saperstein & Laurel Westbrook - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (4):534-560.
    Recently, scholars and activists have turned their attention toward improving the measurement of sex and gender in survey research. The focus of this effort has been on including answer options beyond “male” and “female” to questions about the respondent’s gender. This is an important step toward both reflecting the diversity of gendered lives and better aligning survey measurement practice with contemporary gender theory. However, our systematic examination of questionnaires, manuals, and other technical materials from four of the largest and longest-running (...)
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    On Learnability of Restricted Classes of Categorial Grammars.Barbara Dziemidowicz-Gryz - 2007 - Studia Logica 85 (2):153-169.
    In this paper we present learning algorithms for classes of categorial grammars restricted by negative constraints. We modify learning functions of Kanazawa [10] and apply them to these classes of grammars. We also prove the learnability of intersection of the class of minimal grammars with the class of k-valued grammars.
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    Can the Testing Effect for General Knowledge Facts Be Influenced by Distraction due to Divided Attention or Experimentally Induced Anxious Mood?Chi-Shing Tse, Meingold Hiu-Ming Chan, Wai-Shing Tse & Savio Wai-Ho Wong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:423111.
    Studies on testing effect have showed that a practice test on study materials leads to better performance in a final test than restudying the materials for the same amount of time. Two experiments were conducted to test how distraction, as triggered by divided attention or experimentally induced anxious mood in the practice phase, could modulate the benefit of testing (vs. restudying) on the learning of interesting and boring general knowledge facts. Two individual difference factors (trait test anxiety and working memory (...)
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    Tomek Bartoszynski. On the structure of measurable filters on a countable set. Real analysis exchange, vol. 17 no. 2 , pp. 681–701. - Tomek Bartoszynski and Saharon Shelah. Intersection of < 2ℵ0 ultrafilters may have measure zero. Archive for mathematical logic, vol. 31 , pp. 221–226. - Tomek Bartoszynski and Haim Judah. Measure and Category—filters on ω. Set theory of the continuum, edited by H. Judah, W. Just, and H. Woodin, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute publications, vol. 26, Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, etc., 1992, pp. 175–201. - Tomek Bartoszynski, Martin Goldstern, Haim Judah, and Saharon Shelah. All meager filters may be null. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 117 , pp. 515–521. - Tomek Bartoszyński. Remarks on the intersection of filters. Topology and its applications, vol. 84 , pp. 139–143. [REVIEW]Claude Laflamme - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):388-389.
  38.  28
    Valence, sensations and appraisals co-occurring with feeling moved: evidence on kama muta theory from intra-individually cross-correlated time series.Anders K. Herting & Thomas W. Schubert - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1149-1165.
    Emotional experiences typically labelled “being moved” or “feeling touched” may belong to one universal emotion. This emotion, which has been labelled “kama muta”, is hypothesised to have a positive valence, be elicited by sudden intensifications of social closeness, and be accompanied by warmth, goosebumps and tears. Initial evidence on correlations among the kama muta components has been collected with self-reports after or during the emotion. Continuous measures during the emotion seem particularly informative, but previous work allows only restricted inferences on (...)
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    Cross-linguistic differences in parsing: Restrictions on the use of the Late Closure strategy in Spanish.F. Cuetos - 1988 - Cognition 30 (1):73-105.
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    Paternity Uncertainty and Parent–Offspring Conflict Explain Restrictions on Female Premarital Sex across Societies.Gabriel Šaffa, Pavel Duda & Jan Zrzavý - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (2):215-235.
    Although norms of premarital sex vary cross-culturally, the sexuality of adolescent girls has been consistently more restricted than that of adolescent boys. Three major theories that attempt to explain restrictions on female premarital sex (FPS) concern male, female, and parental control. These competing theories have not been tested against each other cross-culturally. In this study, we do this using a sample of 128 nonindustrial societies and socioecological predictors capturing extramarital sex, paternal care, female status, sex ratio, parental (...)
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  41. Local Fields Without Restrictions on the Spectrum of 4-Momentum Operator and Relativistic Lindblad Equation.M. A. Kurkov & V. A. Franke - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (5):820-842.
    Quantum theory of Lorentz invariant local scalar fields without restrictions on 4-momentum spectrum is considered. The mass spectrum may be both discrete and continues and the square of mass as well as the energy may be positive or negative. One may assume the existence of such fields only if they interact with ordinary fields very weakly. Generalization of Kallen-Lehmann representation for propagators of these fields is found. The considered generalized fields may violate CPT-invariance. Restrictions on mass-spectrum of CPT-violating (...)
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    On measurement and irreversible processes.Gunnar Sperber - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (2):163-179.
    The nature of physical measurements performed on microscopic systems is discussed, and it is suggested that the procedures which are conventionally referred to as “measurements” fall into at least three different categories. The connection between observation processes and irreversible processes is stressed. The customary quantum mechanical treatment of irreversible processes is discussed, and its deficiencies from the philosophical point of view are criticized. The standpoint that quantum mechanics should not be considered as a basic philosophical system but rather as an (...)
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    The Role of Semantic Clustering in Optimal Memory Foraging.Priscilla Montez, Graham Thompson & Christopher T. Kello - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1925-1939.
    Recent studies of semantic memory have investigated two theories of optimal search adopted from the animal foraging literature: Lévy flights and marginal value theorem. Each theory makes different simplifying assumptions and addresses different findings in search behaviors. In this study, an experiment is conducted to test whether clustering in semantic memory may play a role in evidence for both theories. Labeled magnets and a whiteboard were used to elicit spatial representations of semantic knowledge about animals. Category recall sequences from a (...)
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  44.  22
    Ethical Considerations for Restrictive and Physical Distancing Measures in Brazil During COVID-19: Facilitators and Barriers.Beatriz C. Thomé, Gustavo C. Matta & Sérgio T. A. Rego - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):627-631.
    COVID-19 was recognized as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Nine days later in Brazil, community transmission was deemed ongoing, and following what was already being put in place in various affected countries, restrictive and physical distancing measures that varied in severity across the different states were adopted. Adherence to restrictive and physical distancing measures depends on the general acceptance of public health measures as well as communities’ financial leverage. This article aims to explore and discuss ethical facilitators and barriers (...)
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    Age-based restrictions on reproductive care: discerning the arbitrary from the necessary.Steven R. Piek, Guido Pennings & Veerle Provoost - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (1):41-56.
    Policies that determine whether someone is allowed access to reproductive healthcare or not vary widely among countries, especially in their age requirements. This raises the suspicion of arbitrariness, especially because often no underlying justification is provided. In this article, we pose the question—under which circumstances is it morally acceptable to use age for policy and legislation in the first place? We start from the notion that everyone has a _conditional positive_ right to fertility treatment. Subsequently, we set off to formulate (...)
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    Subjective decoherence in quantum measurements.Thomas Breuer - 1996 - Synthese 107 (1):1 - 17.
    General results about restrictions on measurements from inside are applied to quantum mechanics. They imply subjective decoherence: For an apparatus it is not possible to determine whether the joint system consisting of itself and the observed system is in a statistical state with or without interference terms; it is possible that the apparatus systematically mistakes the real pure state of the joint system for the decohered state. We discuss the relevance of subjective decoherence for quantum measurements and for the (...)
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    Cross-cultural similarities in category structure.Christian D. Schunn & Alonso H. Vera - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (3):273 – 287.
    Categories, as mental structures, are more than simply sums of property frequencies. A number of recent studies have supported the view that the properties of categories may be organised along functional lines and possibly dependency structures more generally. The study presented here investigates whether earlier findings reflect something unique in the English language/North American culture or whether the functional structuring of categories is a more universal phenomenon. A population of English-speaking Americans was compared to a population of Cantonese-speaking Hong Kong (...)
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  48. Extensive Measurement in Social Choice.Jacob M. Nebel - 2024 - Theoretical Economics 19 (4):1581-1618.
    Extensive measurement is the standard measurement-theoretic approach for constructing a ratio scale. It involves the comparison of objects that can be concatenated in an additively representable way. This paper studies the implications of extensively measurable welfare for social choice theory. We do this in two frameworks: an Arrovian framework with a fixed population and no interpersonal comparisons, and a generalized framework with variable populations and full interpersonal comparability. In each framework we use extensive measurement to introduce novel domain restrictions, (...)
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  49. Specyfika ograniczenia wolności i praw konstytucyjnych w stanach nadzwyczajnych [Extraordinary Measures and Restrictions of Constitutional Freedoms and Rights].Marek Piechowiak - 2021 - In Mirosław Granat, Sądownictwo konstytucyjne. Teoria i praktyka. Tom IV. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW. pp. 217-261.
    STRESZCZENIE Opracowanie zmierza do udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie, czym – z punktu widzenia struktury procesu wykładni i struktury wchodzących w grę wartości konstytucyjnych – różni się ograniczanie wolności i praw w ramach stosowania „zwykłych środków konstytucyjnych”, od ograniczania wolności i praw dopuszczalnego w stanach nadzwyczajnych. Podjęta zostaje problematyka dotyczącą kwestii materialnych, a poza zakresem rozważanych zagadnień pozostają kwestie dotyczące formalnych warunków dopuszczalności ograniczeń, jak publiczne ogłoszenie zagrożenia czy możliwość wprowadzania ograniczeń w aktach podustawowych. Stawiane tezy są polemiczne wobec poglądów, że (...)
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    Behavioral Restriction Determines Left Attentional Bias: Preliminary Evidences From COVID-19 Lockdown.Anna Lardone, Patrizia Turriziani, Pierpaolo Sorrentino, Onofrio Gigliotta, Andrea Chirico, Fabio Lucidi & Laura Mandolesi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    During the COVID-19 lockdown, individuals were forced to remain at home, hence severely limiting the interaction within environmental stimuli, reducing the cognitive load placed on spatial competences. The effects of the behavioral restriction on cognition have been little examined. The present study is aimed at analyzing the effects of lockdown on executive function prominently involved in adapting behavior to new environmental demands. We analyze non-verbal fluency abilities, as indirectly providing a measure of cognitive flexibility to react to spatial changes. (...)
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